IICCMER (Institutul de Investigare a Crimelor Comunismului şi Memoriei Exilului Românesc) vă invită să participaţi la conferinţa Transitional Justice in Eastern Europe suţinută de profesor Lavinia Stan (St. Francis Xavier University) luni, 21 iunie 2010, orele 17.30, la sediul central al IICCMER din strada Alecu Russo, nr. 13-19, etajul 5, apartament 11, Bucureşti. Lucrările conferinţei se vor desfăşura în limba engleză.

Evenimentul va fi deschis de profesor Vladimir Tismăneanu (University of Maryland, SUA), Preşedinte al Consiliului Ştiinţific al IICCMER. Profesorul Tom Gallagher (University of Bradford, MB) va susţine comentariile de încheire.

Abstract:By the time ten of them became European Union members in 2004-2007, post-communist countries had assumed their communist past very differently. At one end of the spectrum, Germany, the Czech Republic and the Baltic republics banned former communist-era decision makers from post-communist politics, offered their citizens wide access to the files compiled on them by the communist political police, and launched a number of court proceedings against communist leaders and secret agents. At the other end, Albania and post-Soviet republics kept their secret archives closed, and instead of prosecuting communist-era leaders and secret agents for their human rights trespasses allowed them to retain political clout. Between these two extremes was placed a third group of countries, including Poland and Hungary, followed at some distance by Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia. These countries engaged in some transitional justice (lustration, court trials, and access to secret archives) but the policies were either limited in scope or significantly delayed. This presentation surveys theories that explain country differences, and proposes a new framework, that takes into account the experience of all post-communist countries, surveys the first 18 years of post-communist transformation, and understands transitional justice as going beyond lustration to also include file access and court trials.

Biographies:Lavinia Stan este profesoar de ştiinţe politice la St. Francis Xavier University din Canada. Autoare, coautoare sau coordonatoare a volumelor Romania in Transition (1997), Leaders and Laggards (Columbia University Press, 2003), Religion and Politics in Post-Communist Romania (Oxford University Press, 2007) şi 1989-2009: Incredibila aventură a democraţiei în postcomunism (Editura Institutul European, 2009), ultimele două în colaborare cu Lucian Turcescu. Editura Curtea Veche a lansat recent la Târgul de Carte „Bookfest” ediţiile în limba română a volumelor: Prezentul trecutului recent - Lustraţie şi decomunizare în postcomunism şi Religie şi politică în România postcomunistă. Lavinia Stan a participat în proiectul"How the memory of crimes committed by totalitarian regimes is dealt with in the member states” iniţiat de Direcţia Generală pe Justiţie, Libertate şi Securitate (Comisia Europeană). Împreună cu Dr. Nadya Nedelsky coordonează cele două volume ale Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice (Cambridge University Press).

Profesorul Tom Gallagher este profesor de ştiinţe politice la University of Bradford. Printre publicaţiile sale se numără: Romania and the European Union: How the Weak Vanquished the Strong (Manchester University Press 2009); Theft of a Nation: Romania Since Communism (Hurst & Co, 2005; Humanitas, 2004); The Balkans in the New Millennium, (Routledge, 2005; Humanitas, 2006); Outcast Europe: The Balkans From The Ottomans To Milosevic , 1789-1989 (Routledge 2001); Romania After Ceausescu: The Politics of Intolerance (Edinburgh University Press, 1995). Totodată, Tom Gallagher a editat împreună cu G. Pridham volumul Experimenting With Democracy: Regime Change in The Balkans (Routledge, 2000), iar împreună cu A. Williams lucrarea Southern European Socialism (Manchester University Press, 1989).


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